Masterpiece Finishing

Once available only on our Premier Collection Replicas, for the discerning antler connoisseur, Antlers By Klaus now offers an upgrade to our professional painting finishes on all of our replicas. All the nuances of nature are meticulously recreated by hand. The details of the brow tines, the blood lines on the beams, the subtle shadings on the tines are all faithfully represented. Even the quirks of nature can come alive again, like pieces of remaining velvet.
Pricing for a MASTERPIECE PAINT FINISH is included on all Premier Collection Whitetail Replicas and is now available on all other Replicas for an additional $2.00/inch of gross score.
Antlers By Klaus Masterpiece Painting Service, For nature at its finest!
“The sheds arrived this afternoon in one piece. I’ve only ever seen one set of replicas before (that I’m aware of), and those were reasonably easy to identify as fake. I can’t believe how close the replicas match the originals. That’s truly amazing! Please relay my thanks and appreciation to Klaus. He exceeded my expectations. And thank you for all the time and correspondence you’ve put into this. You’ll definitely get my recommendation.”
Scott, Wisconsin