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The Chally Sheds

Item: 2020 Categories: ,

The Foley Lane Buck

“The antlers were found early march in 2018 on private property in Richland County. I found a set from the previous year (2017) when I was walking my dog through a field. I initially thought it was an animal carcass because of the size and they were sitting side by side. I had never seen antlers from a wild whitetail of that size before. Unfortunately, this set had been badly chewed by animals when I found it. One neighbor had mentioned he thought he had seen him before but there wasn’t much word on him. The next year (2018), my brother and I went out looking for sheds together. As we climbed up one of our hills, my brother gasps and ran towards a huge antler sitting in the grass. As I start towards him I look over in the wood line and there was sitting the other side of the sheds. Both sides were virtually in perfect condition. This new set was unreal to even hold. The set from the previous year was enough to make everyone in the area notice, and put other hunters in awe. This set though; there are literally no words that could do it justice.


We were lucky and actually were able to get trail cam pictures of the 2018 set on the deer. The deer itself was the biggest one I have ever seen. However, we weren’t the only ones who had seen him and were after him. There was rumor that he was shot with a bow during bow season. The shot must have been bad as he wasn’t recovered and nobody seen him or heard anything on him since. I think if he was shot and harvested we would have heard more on him because of how big he was. Still to this day, he was never found or seen again and there has been no word on him from anybody in the area. The buck on Foley Ln. will probably remain a mystery for years to come.”


– Shed Finder


Please Note:  Pricing shown for Finished Reproduction Only.  Please call our studio at (715) 246-5882 to discuss adding a European (Skull) Mount, Shoulder Mount, Pedestal, or other Taxidermy Options to your order. 

All items are custom crafted following the receipt of your order.  As each Antlers by Klaus reproduction is hand cast and meticulously finished and painted, the process (on average) takes 4-6 months (sometimes more) to deliver.  We promise your Reproduction will be worth the wait.  Thank you!

With or Without Skull

On Skull Plate, Sheds Only

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